Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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How to Create a Joyful, Clutter-Free Bedroom

Imagine walking into your bedroom and seeing clear, clean surfaces. The bedcovers are smooth and inviting, the pillows are plumped, and on your nightstand is nothing but a vase of fresh flowers, a candle, a cup of herbal tea and your journal and pen. Any clothing has been easily put away because it fits within your dresser and closet space with room to spare. If you have children, imagine finally coming into this beautiful space, closing the door behind you and enjoying a few moments of blissful peace and quiet. 

Sound appealing? The first step on the road to a joyful, clutter-free home is (you guessed it) giving clutter the boot. In this series, we’ll approach each room in the house from the perspective of identifying what sparks joy. Read on for the first installment, in which we tackle the bedroom.
