Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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11 Reasons to Live in a House of Straw

When I built a straw-bale house not too long ago, people laughingly recalled the tale of the three pigs at every opportunity. With the tale of the poor first pig embedded in our psyches since childhood, we can’t help but think of a straw house as a flimsy thing, just waiting to be blown away by a big, bad wolf. But now we straw dwellers know better, and given that there are no wolves at our doors, there are many good reasons to build with straw. Here are a few of them.
“Then there is the rendering, which tends to be earth or lime, as a breathable render is better for straw so moisture can be released. Also, wide eaves are recommended to protect the wall from weathering,” says Brennan. “There is also the attention to detail around windows and at the top and bottom of walls, which needs to be worked through before you start, so every step of the construction is working towards the finish result you are after.”

11 Reasons to Live in a House of Straw
