Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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Suite Secret

Vitamin Daily - Vancouver's Online Lifestyle Magazine
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APRIL 15, 2009

Suite Secret

The new you is all about living a fiscal and fabulous life.

You've left the latest Manolos on hold and you've finally made friends with your roots. You're forced to dazzle with your smile rather than a new Rolex. But one thing that you won't have to forfeit is a special night in a luxurious Opus Suite, where you can live like a celebrity for half the price.

Until May 31, 2009 stay in a contemporary and stylish Opus Suite from $269 per night at Opus Vancouver and Opus Montreal. (Use promo code Suite Life when booking.)

So go on and treat yourself to a swanky suite—and toast to life's little luxuries.

Opus Vancouver: 322 Davie Street, Vancouver, 604-642-6787.
Opus Montreal: 10 Sherbrooke West, Montreal, 514-843-6000.
See more at


Opus Hotel
