Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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MAY 10TH, 2008


You know you're a new Mother when…

5. Spilled milk can make you laugh and Canadian Tire commercials can make you cry.
4. You find yourself singing “The More We Get Together” when shopping. Alone.
3. Sitting down at the dentist feels like a break.
2. You can no longer remember your Social Insurance Number but the preschool registration deadline is literally etched into your brain.
1. A 10-minute phone call with a girlfriend is more effective than 10 years of couples therapy.

You know you're an experienced Mother when…

5. You've earned those laugh lines and have cried a thousand rivers.
4. You find yourself singing Feist—to your granddaughter.
3. Club Med is the only thing that feels like a break.
2. You've long since stopped worrying about what you're forgetting and are focused on what you'll remember.
1. A 10-minute phone call with a girlfriend is more effective than 10 years of couples therapy.

Happy Mother's Day from everyone at Daily Dose Media.

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