Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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italian costco

Victoria Drive favourite Bosa Foods has just opened a massive new warehouse store stocked with discount Italian groceries and deli items, perfect for stocking the Christmas pantry.

Italy’s flag is red and green, so expect hundreds of beautifully packaged foodie stocking stuffers and gift basket ideas, like olive oil wrapped in gold foil.

Don’t miss the fresh pasta bar with a view into the wooden aging room filled with massive wheels of parmegiano reggiano. And do buy a large silver bag of Italissima coffee beans, a flat of San Pellegrino Limonata, and well as the Italissima tinned tomatoes from San Marzano (the best region).

Fresh almonds and walnuts, Star tinned Mediterranean tuna, frozen sacchettini pasta, frozen pizza doughs from Calabria Bakery, and Raincity Crisps are all kitchen staples for busy people like you.

Grab some boxed mini-panettoni cakes for hostess gifts or Christmas breakfast and head to the checkout, where the lovely staff throw Italian candy into each grocery bag.

This is so not Costco.

Bosa Foods, 1465 Kootenay St., 604-253-5578. Download a map at


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