Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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off to the races

In your fantasy life, you own a racehorse and gather with your chic friends under the marquis on sunny afternoons to sip cold white wine and watch the thoroughbreds in all their glory.

Stop dreaming girl, and make it a reality at Hastings Park Racecourse. Entry is free (until the PNE starts) and it’s a little known fact that the exclusive grassy, tented VIP area is open to the public on days when it’s not booked for an event.

Here’s the scoop: Sidestep the main building (dark lair of career gamblers) and take a sharp left towards the starting posts on the track. Head up the white picket ramp on the grass and you’ll find a bar (where you can redeem your parking voucher), BBQ and betting cashier all under the tent—you can wager as little as a toonie.

Or throw out a blanket on the grass (bring the kids!) and enjoy one of the most panoramic mountain views in the city.

And if you win a few bucks, well that’s just a bonus.

Check race times, special events and get more info at


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