Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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world cup widows

Does your guy mysteriously disappear out of bed at 6 a.m.?

Do you catch him doing keep-me-ups in the driveway in his old soccer jerseys?

Has he stopped shaving, gotten a mullet and acquired a permanent case of beer breath? 

World cup widows unite!

Send him and his hooting and hollering soccer hooligan pals to raid someone else’s fridge for a change.

And we have just the place.

Gastown Mexican restaurant La Casita has opened a new downstairs World Cup lounge filled with comfortable couches, three big screens, and of course, tasty and inexpensive, authentic Mexican food.

Just make sure he’s cheering for Mexico.

La Casita,101 West Cordova St., 604-646-2444.


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