Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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Simple Pleasures: Your Home Is Your Château

Savoring a good life should start at home, but it’s easy to get stuck in the trap of thinking our homes are not grand enough, clean enough or beautiful enough to celebrate them as they are. In her recently published book, At Home With Madame Chic, Jennifer L. Scott quotes French style icon Inès de la Fressange: a “Parisian’s apartment is her château.” These words stopped me in my tracks, because they contain such possibility. Why can’t your home be your château? Why not do what you can to make daily life a bit grander, more exciting and more elegant? Try one or all eight of these ideas to start doing just that. Your life — and your home — will be the richer for it.
Find satisfaction in tidying up. Your home is your château — treat it that way by taking the time to tidy up after yourself throughout the day. If you find yourself resenting cleaning or tidying, try thinking of it as showing your love for this home that shelters and nourishes you.
