Blog by Beebe Cline, PREC*

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Dear vitamin v...

Thank you so much for your wonderful magazine! I am a thirteen-year-old who adores shopping, and my mum and I really enjoy following your tips!

Thanks again,

Thank you so much for your support and for the beautiful review you did of Jules. It was done with such good taste and reached a very interesting clientele. I will never thank you enough.

Long life to vitamin v!

Jules Bistro

In the summer you ran a little piece about my 'bottleneck wine cards'. I had many emails from former students and friends saying that they had seen the piece on vitamin v. I just thought you would like to know that vitamin v seems to be very well read by hip and artistic people young and old. Cheers! And thank you again.


Hello!  We are new to your website and just wanted to thank you so much for giving Mix exposure to your community!! We have received a surprising amount of response from the posting for catering.  Our regular customers have commented, too.  We now receive our dose every day and are happy to be a part of your website! Thank you again.

Rose & Thuy
MIX The Bakery
